การศึกษาอิสระ - วิทยานิพนธ์ คณะนิติศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยทักษิณ

ง บทคัดย่อภาษาอังกฤษ Abstract Thesis Title : Legal Measures on Waste Management in the Sea of Thailand Student's Name : Mister PONLAWAT SANGUANNAM Advisory Committee : Professor KORAKOD TONGKACHOK Degree and Program : Master of Laws in Laws Academic Year : 2022 The objectives of this research were to study the problems of waste management in the sea of Thailand, prevent and control pollution from marine waste; and study concepts, theories, principles, and Thai and foreign laws on waste management in the sea of Thailand in order to reduce pollution caused by marine waste washing up on the coast of Thailand. Conducted by the qualitative method, the research examined Thai and foreign legal documents and in-depth interviews for the data analysis. The research showed that the legal measures for waste management in the sea of Thailand consisted of laws on preventing, reducing, and controlling pollution arising from the dumping of marine waste into the sea. Laws could only be enforced in the sea of Thailand, and there was no integration of government agencies. The Navigation in the Thai Waters Act B.E. 2456, amended (No. 18) B.E. 2566, provided the unclear definition of marine waste and did not determine the authority for the collaboration of government agencies so that it had to be revised for the further enforcement. The suggestions were to make the revision and amendment to the Navigation in the Thai Waters Act (No. 18) B.E. 2566, the article 120/2, on the definition of marine waste and add more details, on the article 120/25, in the paragraph 3 to stipulate the cooperation of government agencies to manage waste in