2566-3 -ดาวนภา พิทักษ์ - วิทยานิพนธ์

จ บทคัดย่อภาษาอังกฤษ Abstract Thesis Title : Tracking System for Acquitted Persons in Drug Crimes Student's Name : Miss DAONAPHA PHITHAK Advisory Committee : Professor Dr. KORAKOD TONGKACHOK Degree and Program : Master of Laws in Laws Academic Year : 2023 This thesis aims to study tracking system for acquitted persons in drug crimes and examine concepts, theories, and legal measures related to tracking system for acquitted persons in drug crimes. It is qualitative research that employs documentary research and in-depth interview. There were twelve key informants in this study. The research findings revealed that there was an increase in drug problems and the number of acquitted persons in drug crimes with recidivism; thus, there should be awareness of effective protection and solutions, including rehabilitation processes within the prison. The factor causing recidivism among acquitted persons in drug crimes is the tracking system for acquitted persons. The Department of Probation has established a unit to monitor and support offenders' reintegration and employment (CARE: Center for Assistance to Reintegration and Employment). Participation, however, depends on the acquitted persons' voluntary consent, whether they agree to participate or not. Additionally, the Ministry of Justice has enforced measures to monitor acquitted persons closely after their release according to the Penal Code on the Prevention of Recidivism of Sexual Offenses or Violence, B.E. 2565, specifically for sexual offenses or violent crimes, but it does not mention acquitted persons in drug crimes.