2566-3 -สรวิชญ์ ตะเอ -วิทยานิพนธ์

ง บทคัดย่อภาษาอังกฤษ Abstract Independent study Title : Legal Measures for Registration of Contractors for Housing Student's Name : Miss NATALEE NIL-ANAN Advisory Committee : Dr. SATTRA KEAWPHANG Degree and Program : Master of Laws in Laws Academic Year : 2023 This research study aimed to investigate legal measures for registration of contractors for housing by studying the problems of contractors for housing’s personal information record database and registration of contractors for housing licenses through data collection and analysis methodology as determined. As a result, it is a qualitative research study using documentary research and a field study using in-depth interviews. The research findings revealed that recording personal information of contractors for housing for the employers’ decision in choosing the contractors by local administrative organizations includes information about housing construction history and quality control of the contractors. In addition, the approval of contractors' license registration by the Council of Engineering gives importance to their experiences and potential. Despite not having a civil engineering degree, their extensive experience enables them to construct housing. Moreover, it was also suggested that the local administrative organizations should have authority and duty over contractors’ personal information records based on the Decentralizing Plan and Procedures of Local Administrative Organization Act B.E. 2542 and the control of registration of professional contractors for housing (specialized engineers) by the Council of Engineering based on Engineering Act B.E. 2542 and Regulations of the Council of Engineering about Knowledge Testing for Professional Control Engineer License at Specialized Level B.E. 2563.