เอกสารการประชุมวิชาการและเสนอผลงานวิจัย มหาวิทยาลัยทักษิณ ครั้งที่ 19 2552 - page 9

ย มหาวิ
ณ ครั้
19 ประจำป
This has resulted in particular from the model referred to as ‘Research and Development’
– R&D. As is emphasized later, it is more useful to talk of ‘applied research’ than R&D.
The R&D model uses a national development plan to guide research funding in the
expectation that research produces knowledge that can enhance ‘development’ – and it almost
always refers to ‘economic development’. It may not be locally appropriate if planned elsewhere.
This R&D approach, when it is done well, can produce coordinated and efficient research in
industry in wealthy countries – but it has not been as effective in non-OECD countries. New
agencies such as the Thai Research Fund (TRF) are partly a response to this recognition.
Research may be better conducted in support of the development suited to specific
communities. But this too has been misconceived in some quarters when it is interpreted to mean
‘research for community development’. Why? Because ‘community development’ just like
‘R&D’ has acquired a specific meaning, which for ‘community development’ is political, as is
discussed later.
For the moment, let us accept that, as university-based researchers we have responsibilities
at many levels. These include national responsibilities, but not exclusively. If we try to list some
of those other responsibilities, we would include, for example, responsibilities;
- to the international research community,
- to the region on the basis of its similarities in historical and environmental terms,
- to the culture and traditions of the residents of the region,
- to universities as continuing and increasingly independent instruments of society,
- to graduate students.
We will return to some of these later when we consider how we can enhance research
in southern Thailand. For now, let us briefly look at some limitations of the R&D approach
in terms of its origins and how it works in other situations.
Food for Thought: Research approaches and development practice tend to follow
modes that have evolved to suit specific cultural and industrial models, and as
they are constantly in flux they may not serve as either state-of-the-art or relevant
models for countries in different situations.
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