
1098 การประชุมวิชาการระดับชาติมหาวิทยาลัยทักษิณ ครั้งที่ 29 ประจ�ำปี 2562 วิจัยและนวัตกรรมเพื่อการพัฒนาที่ยั่งยืน A Study of Drug Susceptibility and Resistance of Pathogenic Bacteria Isolated from Animal Arinee Chatchawanchonteera 1* Patchara Phuektes 2 Tanakarn Nasri 3 Weerapol Taweenan 4 Pisit Suwannachot 5 Geerasak Thiratanaboon 6 Jessica Bäcker 7 Pannipa Jumpadong 7 Noraworn Naktippawan 7 Abstract Introduction : Study of antibiotic susceptibility and resistance of pathogenic bacteria in animals is very important, in order to have an update result for the good and effective treatment. Objective : To evaluate drug susceptibility and resistance of some pathogenic bacteria isolated from animals include Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus intermedius, Staphylococcus hyicus, Streptococcus spp., Escherichia coli , Klebsiella spp., and Pseudomonas spp. And also to evaluate the result of methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and inducible clindamycin resistance (iCR). Methods : Samples were collected from animals, and Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., and Pseudomonas spp. were isolated by conventional method, and tested for drug susceptibility and resistance by disk diffusion method with 14 antibiotics. Inhibition zones were measured and compared with National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards to indicate the intermediate (I), susceptible (S), and resistant (R). In addition, the result of MRSA were also evaluated and confirm by PCR technique, and D test were also performed to detect the result of inducible clindamycin resistance (iCR). Results : The result showed that all Staphylococcus spp. isolates were susceptible to all 14 antibiotics except 2 isolates which were suspected MRSA as they were resistant to oxacillin and cefoxitin, but when confirmed by PCR technique, they showed negative result. So it was indicated that MRSA was not found. And for the D test, all isolates showed negative results which imply that all Staphylococcus spp. were susceptible to clindamycin without inducible clindamycin resistance. For Streptococcus spp., they were 100% susceptible to chloramphenicol, erythromycin, gentamicin and vancomycin, but were 83.33% resistant to novobiocin and streptomycin. For Gram-negative bacteria samples, they were 100% susceptible to gentamicin and 83.33% susceptible to cefoxitin, but 100% resistant to novobiocin, oxacillin and polymyxin B. Conclusion : All Staphylococcus spp. Isolates were susceptible to all 14 antibiotics, they weren’t MRSA and they were susceptible to clindamycin without inducible clindamycin resistance. For Streptococcus spp., they were most susceptible to chloramphenicol, erythromycin, gentamicin and vancomycin. Where as Gram- negative bacteria samples, were most susceptible to gentamicin. Keywords : Drug susceptibility, drug resistance, pathogenic bacteria, animal, D test, iCR