เอกสารการประชุมวิชาการและเสนอผลงานวิจัย มหาวิทยาลัยทักษิณ ครั้งที่ 19 2552 - page 1289

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the statistical difference of .01 by the experimental group which got higher level than the control group which is
according to the hypothesis 3
4. The accomplishment of learning moral ethics and harmonious of the student who studied with those
teachers who had passed the potential development form of 5 aspects of participation was higher than before the
study which is according to hypothesis 4
5. The accomplishment of learning moral, ethics and harmonious after the experiment of the student who
studied from those teachers who had passed potential developmental form as 5 aspects of participation. And the
arrangement of general lesson plan which has statistically different at .01 By the accomplishment of learning
moral, ethics and harmonious after the experiment of the studied from those teachers who had passed potential
developmental form in 5 aspects of participation was higher than those studied the general arrangement .which
was according to hypothesis 5
6. The satisfaction of the teacher towards the form of teacher potential development in the integration of
native song Dikir Hulu in order to insert moral, ethics, valuing, and harmonious in the arrangement of lesson plan
according to foundation curriculum 2001 as 5 aspects of participation which considered in high level according to
hypothesis 6
7. The view point toward the native song Dikir Hulu of the learners who studied potential development
form as 5 aspects of participation. After learning possessed higher level than prior to learning with the statistical
difference of .01 which is according to hypothesis 7
: The potential development form of the teacher, Integration , Native song Dikir Hulu ,Moral,
Ethics, Valuing Harmonious, The arrangement of lesson plan for teaching and learning
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