เอกสารการประชุมวิชาการและนำเสนอผลงานวิจัย ครั้งที่ 21 / 2554 (Oral) - page 654

The CAPTAIN system has been demonstrated and evaluated by using a set of scenarios based on the use case.
The evaluation focuses on three main features: functions, data access and negotiation. The P-Broker performs as planned,
to produce the integrated care plan that meets the end-user’s needs. The DASs’ data sources are accessed to read and write
data records during and after service negotiation. The negotiation model permits interaction between the P-Broker and the
DASs via the I-Broker to produce the integrated care plan based on the end-user’s needs. The extension of the role of a
service negotiation function in CAPTAIN provides a full range of service characteristics of service-based software.
I am grateful to Professor David Budgen, Durham University, for his guidance and constructive advice and to
Professor Michael Rigby, Keele University, for his support with healthcare information for this project.
Budgen, D, Brereton, P and Turner, M. (2004). Codifying a service architectural style.
IEEE Computer Science Press
International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). 28, 16-22.
Budgen, D., Rigby, M., Brereton, P. and Turner, M. (2007). A data integration broker for healthcare systems.
40(4), 34–41.
Elfatatry, A. and Layzell, P. (2004), Negotiating in service-oriented environments.
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Hung, P. C. K., Li, H. and Jeng, J.-J. (2004), Ws-negotiation: An overview of research issues,
IEEE Computer
Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). 37(1).
IBM-SaaS (2010), ‘IBM: Software as a service (SaaS)’. IBM. URL: www-304.ibm.com/isv/marketing/saas/index.html
[Accessed: 17th March 2010]
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