full2011_inter.pdf - page 269

2011 International Conference on Alternative Energy in Developing Countries and Emerging Economies
- 269 -
A New Solution for Maintenance Scheduling of
Large Scale Distributed Generation Units Based
on Game-Theory and Maintenance Market
This paper presents a new solution for
maintenance scheduling of Large Scale Distributed
Generations (DGs) in deregulated environments by applying
an independent market based on game theory. Maintenance
scheduling of DGs is one of the overriding issues in
restructured power electricity markets, because each
distribution generation company desires to maximize its
own payoffs while independent system operator (ISO) has
its own reliability concerns that mostly, these two points of
view contradict with each other. For this reason, the paper
offers a dynamic Distribution Resources Maintenance
Market (DRMM) based on dynamic game in a deregulated
market. In this method, distribution generation companies
are set their strategies to participate in DRMM by
considering load, primary resources and forced outage rate
uncertainties besides considering the behaviours of other
DG companies. On the other hand, ISO manages the
DRMM based on reliability and offers incentives/ penalties
for DG companies relying on its policy. This paper studied
the ISO activities by using Monte-Carlo simulation for
reliability indices assessment based on load and resources
uncertainties. Numerical results are determined by using an
applicable case study for testing accuracy and applicability
of the new proposed solution.
Index Terms
-- Large Scale Distributed Generations
(DGs), Game-Theory, Maintenance Market
Maintenance scheduling of distributed generation units
is one of the most substantial mid-term issues in planning
that has faced with new challenges in deregulated power
electricity markets. Nowadays, maintenance scheduling
costs of distributed generations grow by requesting
higher reliability for distribution networks.
On the other hand, decision making about specific
problem such as maintenance scheduling in restructured
environment has been done through different participants
that have not the common goals necessarily. This issue
and other DG maintenance scheduling issues such as
uncertainty of resources, leads to considered that new
methods were required for optimizing costs and benefits
of DG companies besides preserving desired reliability of
distribution system. So many studies have been done
through discovering the most appropriate solution for
maintenance scheduling issue in deregulated structure in
Hierarchical I and II levels (HLI, HLII) [1]- [8], but most
of them had not attended to the distributed resources
maintenance scheduling problems. It should be mention
that maintenance scheduling of small DG units are simple
and come with overhaul and durative maintenance of
them but, when some DGs are parallel with each other,
they can provide a large-scale DG unit. Moreover,
technology helps producers to design new DG systems
(especially natural gas engines) with high generation
rates. These terms present the point that maintenance
scheduling of large scale DGs require more attention.
This paper proposes a new competitive model for large
scale DG maintenance scheduling of distributed
generation units relying on modeling an independent
distribution resources maintenance market (DRMM)
using dynamic game theory. The new method presented
in this paper is based on simulating a competition
environment by considering load and resource
uncertainties. Thus, each participant regulates its decision
based on strategy of other players to gain the Nash
equilibrium. On the other hand, by applying Monte-Carlo
Simulation (MCS) technique, reliability indices such as
Energy Not Supplied (ENS) have been obtained. Taking
benefit from these indices, incentives or disincentives of
ISO have been explored. Therefore, applying Roy
Billinton Test System (RBTS) [10] sample case study,
numerical results of market performance have been
gained. In a brief view, this new solution has many
advantages such as presenting a comprehensive market-
oriented solution for large scale DG maintenance
scheduling based on precise computations besides
covering distribution network reliability by considering
load uncertainty and uncertainty of primary resources,
simulating the strategies of each DG company in DRMM
by using dynamic game, providing eligible interaction
between ISO and DG companies, and determining
incentives/ penalties based on AENS index. Generally,
the initial schema of DRMM is given in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Schema of Maintenance Market and its Interface.
M. Manbachi* and M.R. Haghifam**
*Deaprtment of Power Electrical Engineering, Azad University-South Campus, Ahang Blvd, (
** Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, (
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