readmission was from non-compliance with therapy which in turn influenced on the effectiveness of
treatment. It was assumed that this might be from patients’ self-care deficit.
In sum, this study aims to compare the effectiveness of participation in Self-help group
following Dorothea Orem's Self-Care Theory [9] in psoriasis patients. The research is expected that the
self-help group can improve the self-care ability of the patient and help them to understand own
disease and properly cooperate with treatment guideline and prevent disease recurrence.
2. Methods
2.1 Research design
This study was a Randomized Control Trial (RCT) and a pretest–posttest control group
design. There were two groups in the study: the experimental group and the control group. There were
20 patients in each group, so a total of 40 patients were recruited into the study. Then, psoriasis
patient was randomized into each groups using block randomization: the experimental group or
self-help group or into the control group who received the instruction for psoriasis patients as per
clinical practice guideline (CPG) for psoriasis. The patient recruitment had started from January to April
2015 after getting the ethical approval from the Ethics Committee of the Institute of Dermatology,
Bangkok, Thailand. (Figure 2.1)
Figure 2.1
Research Design
From figure 2.1, the followings were the definitions of the symbols used.
was “Pre-assessment; the assessment of self-care ability using the Psoriasis Patient
Self-care Ability Questionnaire and psoriasis disease severity using PASI score before participating in the
study self-help group (experimental group) or receiving the instruction for psoriasis patients as per
clinical practice guidelines (control group).”
was “Post-assessment; the assessment of self-care ability using the Psoriasis Patient
Self-care Ability Questionnaire and psoriasis disease severity using PASI score after participating in the
study self-help group (experimental group) or receiving the instruction for psoriasis patients as per
clinical practice guidelines (control group).”
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