reader surround them. The YTG-611 tag and Exo 800P rigid tag and the installation of both tag on the
motorcycle being illustrated in figure 3 (a) and figure 3 (b) respectively.
Exo 800P Rigid
(a) (b)
Figure 3
The YTG-611 tag and Exo 800P rigid tag
The tag's installation
According to Figure 1, the antenna of reader must be installed above the motorcycles. The area of
tag reading will cover all the width area of the road. Figure 4 shows the front view of the installation of
RFID antennas.
6 m
6 m
0.5 - 2 m
6 - 9 m
Figure 4.
The front view of the installation of RFID antennas
The four antennas have been mounted on the lever at 6 meters of length and the height of the
pole is 6 meters. The angle and the position of each antennas will be different. It is make sure that the
reader able be to read the tags at entire width of the road. Because the road and footbath width are
differences, the angle and the mounted position of each antennas will be vary adjusted that depend on.
According to the side view of the antenna installation, illustrating in the Figure 5. The angle
between the RFID antennas and perpendicular to the ground should be around 80°. It is suitable to detect
the tags which are placed on the motorcycle. If the antenna's angle is smaller than our suggestion,
resulting to the tags reading out of range. On the other hand, the antenna's angle that be nearly to 90° will
cause the tags unable to be detected by reader.