การประชุมวิชาการและผลงานวิจัย มหาวิทยาลัยทักษิณ ครั้งที่ 17 2550 - page 411

The objective of this thesis was to analyze the communication by correspondence as found in
Aphai Manee
containing 58 pieces on six issues: communication objectives, message senders and receivers, letter
(message) analysis, media analysis, situational analysis, and communication outcome. The results of the analysis
were presented in the form of descriptive analysis.
The results of the analysis appeared by issue as follows. The communication objectives found involved
informing, presenting or persuading, providing satisfaction or entertainment, and instructing or educating.
The message senders transmitted messages in three ways: writing messages themselves, having scribes do the
writing for them, and writing in someone else’ name. The letters found were of two types: personal and official.
The components of the letters as found consisted of three parts: rank of the message transmitter, salutation, and
body of the letter. The body of the letter was determined by a communication objective, and the letter composer
employed the art of belles-lettres to put the tone of language in harmony with the objective concerned. Regarding
media analysis, a message carrier conveyed a message to a receiver, usually a functionary or someone close, or a
message sender did the transmitting himself to be picked up personally by a receiver. The routing of a letter was
official, unofficial, secret, or no distance involved. Two types of situations were found: a first-time letter prompted
by an event, and a letter in reply to someone else’s letter. The communication outcome was either successful
or unsuccessful.
: C
ommunication, Letter
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